


The Remote interface module represents the logical state of a physical remote such as a Crestron HR-150.


Exactly one Remote interface module is associated to exactly one physical remote. A Remote interface modules is intended to be used by an single room (rather than by multiple rooms as in the case of iPads which "float"), so by default they are scoped to a room through the "Default Rooms" parameter. Since the Remote module was built to resemble the actual HR-150 module, their signal slots directly correlate. Since the Remote module is scoped to a single room, its button presses control one of the sources in that room -- the source currently selected.

Lighting can also be easily added to this module if a lighting scene has been created for the room to which the physical remote belongs. This is possible because, again, the Remote module is scoped to a logical room, so it is to pair it with a lighting scene also belonging to that room.


Configure the ID and Default Room parameters. Both should use a two-digit, zero-padded number between 1 and 99 (01 or 99) with the latter being the ID of the logical room representing the physical room to which the physical remote associated with the Remote logic module will belong. That is, physical room has a physical remote; logical room representing the former has a logical remote representing the latter.

Parameters Source 01 through Source 08 should also use a two-digit, zero-padded number between 1 and 99, or FF for unused source slots, with the numbers representing the IDs of the Source models available to that room (recall that a Room model has a parameter that tells it the Source models to which it can connect).

Then simply link the required signals to their obvious counterparts on the HR-150 equipment module.


By default, source selection is placed on the 8 "Custom" buttons that sit at the top of the HR-150. Top left is 1, top right is 2, second row left is 3, second row right is 4, and so on.

Inputs and Outputs

Input Output
Route~ String String Room_Name$
  String Source_Name$
Power_On Pulse  
Power_Off Pulse  
Power_Toggle Pulse  
Volume_Up Pulse Analog Volume_Fb
Volume_Down Pulse Digital


Mute Pulse State Mute_Fb
Source_Cursor_Up Pulse  
Source_Cursor_Down Pulse  
Source_Cursor_Left Pulse  
Source_Cursor_Right Pulse  
Source_Cursor_Select Pulse  
Source_Guide Pulse  
Source_Info Pulse  
Source_Menu Pulse  
Source_Exit Pulse  
Source_Play State  
Source_Stop State  
Source_Pause State  
Source_Scan_Forward State  
Source_Scan_Back State  
Source_Skip_Forward Pulse  
Source_Skip_Back Pulse  
Source_Record Pulse  
Source_Page_Up Pulse  
Source_Page_Down Pulse  
Source_Number_0 Pulse  
Source_Number_1 Pulse  
Source_Number_2 Pulse  
Source_Number_3 Pulse  
Source_Number_4 Pulse  
Source_Number_5 Pulse  
Source_Number_6 Pulse  
Source_Number_7 Pulse  
Source_Number_8 Pulse  
Source_Number_9 Pulse  
Source_Number_Enter Pulse  
Source_Number_Clear Pulse  
Source_Channel_Up Pulse  
Source_Channel_Down Pulse  
Source_Channel_Recall Pulse  
Source_Back Pulse  
Source_Red Pulse  
Source_Green Pulse  
Source_Yellow Pulse  
Source_Blue Pulse  
Source_List Pulse  
Select_Source_01 … Select_Source_08 Pulse  
Soft_Key_01 … Soft_Key_10 Pulse  
Preset_001 … Preset_020 Pulse